Year: 1917
Runtime: 3 mins
Description: I. 'NOTABILITIES. THE U-MEN AND THE MEN-U. Sir Arthur Yapp with the famous clock which registered the subscriptions during his hurricane campaign for the Y.M.C.A.' MS profile of Sir Arthur at his desk in a roomy and well-appointed study. He reaches down and places on his desk a placard bearing a clock-motif, moving the single hand from 2 o'clock (10,000 pounds) to 12 o'clock (250,000 pounds). He then puts the clock away. 'The Director of Food, Sir Arthur Yapp dons the badge of the League to Save Food and calls for ten million members.' After hunting about on his desk Sir Arthur finds the badge which, after a moment of silent contemplation, his pins to his left lapel. CU of the badge, an anchor with FOOD ECONOMY on the stock and NATIONAL SAFETY below the arms. Sir Arthur turns to his desk and begins to write purposefully.II. 'A SEETHING SEA OF PRISONERS. The magnitude of the victory on the famous Chemin des Dames is attested by the masses of Boche prisoners the French marched into the cages.' German prisoners walk out of a trench to be directed onward by a French soldier. HA.MS as German POWs pass a crowd of watching French soldiers - one prisoner has a bag over his shoulder which is snatched off him by one of the onlookers. A French casualty, his head swathed in blood-stained bandages, walks along a muddy road - in the background soldiers crowd round two motor ambulances (?). French cavalry, sabres drawn, lead a column of POWs. HA.LS over barbed-wire cages crowded with prisoners, some men shifting from foot to foot to keep warm - pan right to show the extent of the cages.III. 'INVASION IS STILL POSSIBLE. In declaring that the Volunteers were not playing at soldiers, Lord French said the unexpected happened in war and that the next suprise (sic) might be invasion. The Field Marshal inspects the Volunteer Defences of London.' Lord French and staff study maps - they are standing by a barbed-wire fence over which several have thrown their overcoats. One officer uses his walking stick to point out features of interest. French and his party stroll about the 'defences'. A party of Volunteers dig an unimpressive ditch. The party moves on.IV. 'INFERNO OF A BARRAGE. Monster guns of our Allies put up an awful barrage before the advancing infantry swept to their great victory in the Chemin des Dames.' MS of a 400mm French railway gun, and pan right to a second gun as it opens fire. First gun fires. XLS of distant shell bursts. The barrage continues, cutting between guns firing and shell bursts. LA.MS of a 320mm (?) railway gun as it recoils after firing and the crew run forward to reload - the gun fires again.V. 'UNCROWNED KING OF GREECE IN LONDON. M Venizelos, the famous Patriot Premier of Greece, with the Greek Consul after his arrival with Mr. Lloyd George from the Allies' Conference in Paris.' Venizelos and the Consul walk down steps towards the camera, to stand talking at the bottom.
I. Sir Arthur Yapp appeals for economy in the use of food.II. German prisoners of the French after one of the battles along the Chemin des Dames.III. Lord French inspects London's defences.IV. French railway guns in action.V. Venizelos arrives in London.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Yapp, Arthur / French, John Denton Pinkstone / Venizelos, Eleutherios / League of National Safety / Young Men's Christian Association / French Army, [artillery] / society, British - charity: YMCA appeal / society, British - sustenance: food economy / casualties, French wounded / prisoners of war, German - custody / delegations, British - military: Lord French visits volunteer forces / society, British - precautionary: volunteer defence forces / combat, French - artillery bombardment / weapons, French - gun: 400mm railway gun / delegations, Greek international - state: President Venizelos visits London / Western Front / London, England, UK
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Topical Film Company
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type: